Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Pugh’s method for sensor

Pugh’s method for elevator mechanism






MCT 4125


Title: The Transporter


Enaliza Anuar (0611300)

Nur Hasnaa Che Awang (0537840)

Anandya Ellianti Abdul Gani (0627194)

Siti Nur Shuhada Mohd Fauzi (0624800)

Section: 1

Lecturer’s Name: Dr Wahyudi Martono

Date of Submission: 21st January 2010


Nowadays, we can see that there are many buildings built up to four floors. These buildings commonly are not provided with elevator. Thus people need to use stairs to go up and down the building. This is not a problem for people who are staying there and not carrying any loads while climbing the stairs up to the fourth floor. However, it will be a problem for people who have to carry loads by using the stairs especially for the cleaners that need to carry garbage downstairs. An elevator would be the best solution to help them. An elevator or lift is a vertical transport vehicle that efficiently moves people or goods between floors of a building. They are generally powered by electric motors that either use drive traction cables and counterweight systems, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston.

In this project, we are designing an elevator that we will call transporter, just to differentiate it with the elevator that is used to carry people. This transporter is used to carry loads such as garbage for cleaners and heavy things for students. This product will be mainly introduced at mahallah (hostel) because there is no elevator provided there. In designing the transporter, we are considering the loads, mechanism to go up or down, sensors used to stop the transporter at respective level, stability, compatibility, power consumption and also the construction of the transporter. We also did some research on how the transporter is being built by using the elevator concept. From the studies, we have decided to design the transporter by considering the parameters, advantages and disadvantages of the product.

We also did several interviews to collect the information and data which will provide the customers’ need to us, based on the problems they are facing and the introduction of our idea. From the result, we conclude and combine all the needs in order produce a product that will meet our customers’ needs and expectations. The next step is to generate the concept of our transporter. Here, we need to design the product and then choose the best design based on criteria listed. This method is important to ensure that we consider other designs first before we select the one that will work best for us.


The cleaners need to carry the rubbish from upper floor to ground floor every day using the stairs, and the students also need to carry their loads while moving out from the old room to a new room especially in the beginning of the semester and at the end of semester.


To help cleaners to transport daily garbage
To help students to transport heavy things


Work Breakdown Structure -> refer to blog
Linear Responsibility Chart -> refer to blog
Gantt Chart -> refer to blog


Mission statement:

Our mission is to produce a product that can be used to help cleaners to transport daily garbage or students to transport their heavy things from the upper level to the desired level or vice versa.

1.The transporter moves vertically up and down.
2.The transporter is able to carry loads up to 1kg.
3.The transporter will be operated using push button.

Customers’ needs list:

1.Customers need a device that can help them to transport garbage and personal belongings.
2.Customers need a big transporter since there are many rubbish produce per level which is around 5-10kg.
3.Customers need a container to put the garbage to prevent the plastic bag from torn if using a hook.

Target specification:

1.Operating distance 100cm
2.Container size 10X10cm
3.Maximum load 1kg
4.Mass of the container 0.5kg

Proposed design:-> refer to blog

Pugh’s method for elevator mechanism: -> refer to blog

Chosen model: model 2

Pugh’s method for sensor:-> refer to blog


Our first task which is the administrative task has been done in the first week. We have constructed the linear responsibility chart that will remind us of our individual responsibilities. We have constructed it so that all jobs are equally distributed among us. Then we made the Gantt Chart as a guide for us to successfully complete this project. We finish all these administrative tasks within the first week.

In the second week, we have planned to do some background research and we have found that there are several similar projects like us. We have studied how other teams have built their elevator and then we tried to come up with our own idea. This then lead us to continue with our concept generation task in the following week.

In completing the concept generation task, we have to do a questionnaire for cleaners and students in the mahallah to know their difficulties and needs in transporting the garbage and belongings. We then conducted the interview and analyzed the results to obtain the customers’ needs list. From there, we started to do some sketches of our initial design and came up with all the possible alternatives to do the elevator mechanism and the stopping of the elevator.

There are four alternatives for the elevator mechanism. The first alternative is just by using a pulley and a rope. The second alternative is adding a vertical column that will guide the movement of the basket. The third alternative is by using two vertical columns to support the basket and also to make movement of basket smoother. The last alternative is by adding two more vertical columns to form a cube-shape like support that will firmly hold the basket. We used Pugh’s method to decide which alternatives is the best for us and the result is the second alternative because it fulfills most of the criteria.

In stopping the elevator, we have come up with three possibilities and they are reed switch, limit switch and motion detector. After constructing the Pugh’s method, we have found that the best option for us is to use reed switch.


In conclusion, our project is 30% complete. We have done the concept generation and selection. From this task, we have decided to choose Model 2 for the elevator mechanism and to use reed switch as the sensor to help the elevator stop at the level we want. We hope that we are able to do our next task in the following week and further complete our project successfully.



The wheather is very nice today. Not too hot or raining. We team up to explore and conclude to come up with the final design and begin the production. For the past few days each of us try to get some knowledge on robot making. I myself and shuhada, which is one of the member of the robocon, spend some time in the robocon lab to find some guidance and material to help us with the project. They are buzy at the time with IRIE but kind enough to share their knowledge. Iya and Hasna got their own job to do research on the line following robot. So, today we gonna make use of everything we know to begin our project..wish us luck =)

Forth Meeting

Venue: ITD lab
Date: 28 January 2010
Time: 1:00 pm

1. Anandya
2. Shuhada
3. Enaliza
4. Hasnaa

1. To start the construction of the line following robot
2. To put on detail of the rakuraku basket design
3. To find the material needed to begin the project

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Draft of Our Design

Third Meeting

Venue: Study room Mahallah Asiah
Date: 19 January 2010
Time: 10.30 pm

1. Anandya
2. Shuhada (absent with reason)
3. Enaliza
4. Hasnaa

1. Discuss interview result
2. Background research
3. Concept generation

Result of the interview:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gantt Chart

Linear Responsibility Chart

Work Breakdown Structure

Second Meeting

Venue: Robotic Lab E0
Date: 8 January 2010
Time: 10.30 am

1. Anandya
2. Shuhada
3. Enaliza
4. Hasnaa (absent with reason)

1. Management of design project administration (WBS, LRC, Gantt chart)
2. Task and responsibility distribution.
3. Material completion for consumer research and survey
4. Discussion of next task fulfillment.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Interview Questions

Below are the questions that we are going to ask our product users to know more about their situation and needs:-


1. What is your name?
2. How long have you been working here?
3. What is your job scope?
4. What is your main problem in handling garbage?
5. Do you think the garbage is heavy?
6. How do you usually transport the garbage?
7. What kind of problem do you face when taking down the garbage?
8. What can we do to solve the problem?
9. How many times do you have to go up and down the stairs?

10. Do you think it will affect your health?

11. How heavy are the loads that you normally carry?

12. How many hours do you need to clean one block?

13. Why do you think it takes time?

14. What kind of rubbish students usually throw?

15. Currently, is there any device that can help you to transport the garbage?


1. How do you usually move your things from upper floor to lower ground?

2. How long does it take?

3. How many people involve in moving your things?

4. What are the problems that you encounter when you move things?

5. Do you have any suggestion how to solve this problem?



Group members:
  • Nur Hasnaa binti Che Awang
  • Enaliza binti Anuar
  • Siti Nur Shuhada binti Mohd Fauzi
  • Anandya Ellianti
Problem statement:
  • cleaners have to carry garbage from higher level to ground level using stairs in Mahallah
  • students need to transfer heavy things from higher level to ground level by using the stairs when they need to move out of their room
  • to help cleaners to transport daily garbage
  • to help students to transport heavy things
Descriptions of RAKURAKUBASKET:
  • cleaners and students can put their loads in a basket and press the desired destination level, then the basket will act like an elevator and will move things according to desired level.